
where everything started

My entire life has been a continuous searching and this story is part of it.

Everything started more than ten years ago: I was a consultant in the busy Milan, working for one of the most reputable big four and accompanying clients in re-thinking their processes and making their operations smoother.

I was young, busy and with a clear career path in front of me… and yet something was not really squaring.

I left the consulting for ta huge company, continuing growing in my profession, but this change did not bring any clarity of what was missing.

So it started a difficult inner journey and there it came the decision: after six years as an internal auditor, I left the world of corporate to search for my life purpose.

It was 2010 when I first arrived in Tanzania.

It was supposed to be a sabbatical year, but I decided to remain to invest my skills side by side with women entrepreneurs.

Fast forward ten years later…

I am finally giving life to a dream: the creation of WanaWAKE-UP! a company supporting women artisans and social entrepreneurs to express at their best their business potential and to expand their presence into the global markets.